Ka sellel õppeaastal võtame avasüli vastu vabatahtlikke laiast ilmast. Ikka eesmärgiga koos kasvada!
Septembri keskpaigas seadis end meie juures mõnusalt sisse Emanuela Itaaliast. Saage temaga tuttavaks:
My name is Emanuela and I’m one of the new volunteers here at Rõõmutarekese Lasteaed for the next 10 months. I’m 26 years old and Italian, I live near Milano in the north of Italy.
Some other information about me is that I have an older brother and sister, a gorgeous dog and a niece of 8 months old. My hobbies are reading, watching tv series and films, and learning new things. I’m trying to study estonian but it’s a really difficult language, but the teachers and the kids are teaching me, and I’m sure by the time I finish I will have learnt some phrases!
And while I am here I will do a little project about how to say various words about gardening, greetings and some others in Italian!
Rõõm vabatahtlikest ja vastatikusest kogemuste vahetamisest!